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Fairies and nymphs, water and sunlight, control and satisfaction, happiness and perfection.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Random thoughts

Ok, so I’m really tired right now, so I’m not really sure what this post is gonna be about. I officially managed to fast 3 days before I cracked. It was a combination of extreme fatigue, heart problems, low concentration levels (not really conducive to studying) and EVERYONE being on my back about eating. I felt really rotten about it yesterday, like I always do when I eat over my limit, but I won’t talk about that now.
What’s really bugging me is that everyone is on my back about my eating habits now. And I mean everyone. People are asking me every meal time “So, what did you eat?” and I need to come up with valid proof that I did in fact eat. I didn’t actually eat anything today, I only drank a little bit of carrot juice (1/5 a cup – 18 cal) in the morning before working out, but that was that. My boyfriend was getting really uptight when he saw me working out and I hadn’t eaten lunch. Other people decided to save me some broccoli, since I wasn’t there at lunch. Since I wanted to get everyone off my back, I made myself a plate (fish and broccoli) and I paraded around the house with it for a little bit, so if anyone asked if I ate I could say that so-and-so saw me. Then I took it to my room. Thankfully my roommate was out, otherwise my grand plan probably wouldn’t have worked. Anyways I trashed the fish in my room, took out the trash right then, went to the now empty kitchen and put most of my broccoli back, and then saved a little bit to eat tomorrow. And horribly enough I felt really good about it. It actually made me happy to trick people into thinking I’m eating, and not gaining any weight in the process. I don’t like wasting food though, and the only reason I trashed the fish was because I knew no one else would eat it. But I must be really messed up for enjoying the fact that I’m pretty much lying to all my friends. Ok, it sounds horrible when I put it that way, but when I don’t eat the food I serve myself it makes me feel so powerful, so in control. I’m weird, I know.
Anyways I’m on this new plan that instead of fasting for a set amount of time, I just don’t eat when it’s not convenient. Usually I’m really busy on Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday and sometimes Friday. I’ll fast too whenever I can, but there are time I just can’t afford to dedicate a full chunk of time to it, so instead of worrying about it, I just won’t eat when I can and eat when I have too. Coincidently I’m also usually out of the house all day on those days, and that makes it easier. I’ll just try it and see if it works.
I watched this documentary today about these child anorexic in a clinic. My heart really went out to them, because they were feeding them fish and chips for lunch, and they were forced to eat it. I was imagining myself in that situation, and it must be total hell. Anyways , that’s not that point of my story. There was one 13 yr old in there that would pace the floor of her room and stand on her feet all day – from 4:00 in the morning till 11:50 at night, and do nothing else. That kind of scarred me. I don’t want to become that type of person. In some way I want to control this ED, not have in completely control me. I want to still have friends, and I don’t want to go to that extreme.
This probably doesn’t make sense, but I want to be thin and still have some form of a life. I don’t want Ana to take everything that is mine. There are a few things in my life that I feel like I can’t afford to lose, though if it came between her or them I’m really not sure which one I’d choose.
Ok, enough nonsensical, reflective, psychoanalytical thoughts. I need some sleep :D


  1. I know what you mean about wanting to have a normal life and be thint too. I wish it was that easy for us. I wish we were those girls who had the metabolisms of crack heads....life would be great. I want to be thin so bad, but food is on my mind 24/7. In a way, I think my ED has me by the throat already

  2. Yeah, I'm actually super jelouse of my younger sister in that way. She has an INCREDIBLE metabolism, because she eats whatever she wants, she hardly exerisises and she's still model thin, bordering on underweight. Of course she's only 11, so she might still gain weight, though i doubt it because she's been that thin her whole life. In a way I'm happy for her, she'll never have to go through what i'm going through now. But it's still unfair that some people have things handed to them in life, and other people (like us) have to work so hard for it.
