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Fairies and nymphs, water and sunlight, control and satisfaction, happiness and perfection.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I'm worried.

Ok, so this is my second day into my fast, and so far so good. Yeasterday I drank a black coffee, some herbal tea, diet coke and TONS of water. Today I had a black coffee, some herbal tea (no sweetener of course) and a little bit (about 6 tsp) of lemon juice in my water. So far so good I think.
What is bothering me right now is that people are making a big deal about my eating habits, and I think they’re talking about me behind my back. I think it’s because I made that stand on Friday not to eat anything, and that rocked the boat a little. Everyone’s asking me if I eat, my mom’s telling me she’ll be on my case about eating. Argh! Why can’t these people leave me alone? One of my friends was looking me up and down the other day, and then he just shook his head. I asked why, and then he told me I was getting very skinny. Later the same day he said I act like an anorexic, because I’m always cold. I really wish they would just leave me alone. Today I faked eating dinner – I made myself a plate and I dumped in the trash the 1st chance I got. I also made some dirty dishes from food I “could have eaten” just for looks sake. It’s funny, I never thought I’d never have to worry about these things, till now everyone’s pretty much left me alone. But now it seems they’re going to be a lot more watchful, so I have to be careful. If anyone has any tips on how to fool friends and family members without acting suspicious, please comment and tell me. I have a few tricks up my sleeve, but since I live with so many people, it’s gonna be really hard to fool them. But I’m sure I can do it, they’re not all that smart.
I’m not sure if I’ll be able to complete my 7 day fast. I really want to, but with this added pressure of people never seeing me eat, and the fact that my heart is really freaking out right now. It’s actually scaring me a little bit, but I don’t want to tell anyone about it. So maybe I’ll stop tomorrow or go on till Tuesday, I guess I’ll just have to see how I feel.
Right now I feel happy, content, tired but EMPTY. I totally love this feeling!

1 comment:

  1. Making "fake" dishes is always a good idea. I used to buy like granola bars and toss out the bar but keep the wrapper and then like clean my purse out in front of someone so it looks like I had been snacking during the day...even add a "I freaking love these things...." comment as I through the wrapper in the trash. I used to fake having a stomach ache too that way I didn't have to eat, but in your case someone might think you don't feel good bc you HAVEn't eaten...maybe that one isn't so good...lemme know how it goes!

