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Fairies and nymphs, water and sunlight, control and satisfaction, happiness and perfection.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I did it!!!

I'm pretty happy with myself right now :D
I actually managed to get through this whole day without giving into my cravings, and i feel soooo good about it now.
Somehow I managed to keep myself away from food today, even though i was in the kitchen several times.
All the calories i consumed till about 8:30 was the little bit of milk i put in my cofee was 18 calories that were in the 2 cofees i had today. Not bad for a day that had the potential to turn into a binge.
Well of course, something had to happen to skrew up my day.
One of my friends picked me up from the bus stop to take me home and guess what he got me...... a small Mc-Donalds milkshake
Honestly, as soon as he handed it to me, I was panicking. I honestly had no idea what i was gonna do. So i took abour 3 token sips and just held it in my hand, trying to figure out what to do. Thankfully, i was able to trash it and i didn't have to drink it. Still I don't like the fact that i don't know how many calories were in those sips. They were as small as they could be and still be convincing, but still...

Ok, but the important thing is that i resisted temptation today and i didn't give into my insanly strong cravings.
Maybe I'll do some ab work to burn up those extra calories those few sips cost me. I'm sure I'll feel better after that.

Stay strong everyone!

And lets have a little thinspo to makes us all feel more inspired :D

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