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Fairies and nymphs, water and sunlight, control and satisfaction, happiness and perfection.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Feeling tipsy.... and finally happy

So today i had a good day. The morning was no sweat, I was really depressed all afternoon, so even though they had a huge barbaque, I wasn't tempted with food AT ALL. I followed my plan to perfection, but in the evening i decided to get a drink with my friend. I was just too depressed to stay in the stupid house alone. She got a cocktail, i had a tiny bit of vodka with diet coke. But I'm actually feeling it, and it's kinda helping me forget my depression. What is really discouraging is that i put on a shirt i haven't worn for a month or so, and my stomache seems to actually bulging out from certain angles. Damn!!!! But what can i expect from 3 days of binging. I'm just gonna have to fast for the next 3 days or so to make up for it. Tomorrow I'll be fasting as well, I'll just have another cofee or some broth or something if i need it. I didn't work out today, I was too busy and depressed, but i HAVE TO work out tomorrow and try to tone that blubbering stomache of mine. Well, serves me right for binging -- never again!!!! (and yes, i do say that every time i binge)

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