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Fairies and nymphs, water and sunlight, control and satisfaction, happiness and perfection.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Random thoughts.

I'm actually feeling pretty good today. Yesterday was rough, but i stepped on the scale and i weighed 94.2 lbs. Not bad! So that started the day on a good note. Of all odd things I didn't count calories, I just ate mainly fruit and veggies. Worked out for an hour and i feel faint and tired - both good signs :P.

I was analyzing what food is today. What is food really? Essentially, it's the most basic of human addictions. A lot of it is actually DETRIMENTAL to our bodies. We pump ourself with sugar, processed foods, chemicals and artificial substances just because it tastes good. Most people don't NEED nearly as much food as they eat. There are lots of people in the world that live and function normally off much smaller amounts. And guess what - some of them are a whole lot healthier as well. I'm not talking about the starving people in the world, that's a different topic. But there are those little farmers that live way out in the boonies and live off the food they grow. It's all organic, natural, healthy. They don't need all this crap like fast food, candy, ice-cream, cookies and all that processed junk. They spend all day in the field - living a healthy, active lifestyle. So I came to the conclusion that i need to respect my body enough to treat it well, and that means not putting any crap into it. I shouldn't take any more then is absolutely necessary for me to live, because it's a waste of food. The primary reason there is so much poverty in the world (in my opinion)is because people in 1st world countries take waaay more resources then they need. We have a problem with obesity, while millions of people are actually starving. Somethings wrong here, don't u think? Ok, I think I'm loosing my train of thought. Back to my thoughts: If i need to eat, i'm going to fill my body with quality food - like fruit and veggies. It gives my body the energy i need to live, it keeps me healthy, and it is all i really need. Taking more is selfish and DETRIMENTAL.
Alright, enough rambling.

Take care girls. Feed off sunshine, dance in the rain and someday we will all fly away.

1 comment:

  1. i totally agree! us richer countries keep 3rd world counties living in poverty because it benefits us, we take all their resources and give them fuck all in return....but im glad we live in these countries rather than a poor one...i geus that makes me a little selfish.
