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Fairies and nymphs, water and sunlight, control and satisfaction, happiness and perfection.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Party all the time (I wish)

So I took the good advice i got and i went to the party, and to be honest I'm really happy i did. It felt good to be around people, to laugh and to DRINK. God, i haven't drunken in so long, i forgot how awesome it felt :P. I ate a little more then i planned to, but it wasn't an all out binge which normally happens when i drink. So that was good. Also, i noticed a lot of people were watching me eat since they "never see me eat" so i think i settled their concerns. I had awful stomach pains most of the night too, so that helped keep my eating in check. In some ways i wish i hadn't eaten as much as i did, but it helped me hold my alcohol better, because i hate to be thought of as a "light weight :P".
My friend ate just a piece of cake (one actually meant for me but that she ate out of pure luck on my part) and she was puking all night. I was watching her thinking "Thank God that's not me ". Not that i mind the puking bit, i mind the - embarrassing, helpless everyone makes fun of you the next morning- bit.

All in all, i had a good time. It was fun kicking back, relaxing and ENJOYING life. I've been so stressed recently, i think i deserved and needed this.

This morning I feel pretty good, except my stomach is KILLING me. God, i'm having a hard time drinking water I'm in so much pain. And i have these huge essays to write and submit today about some strange, fictional, suicidal character. I'm gonna take a pain killer and get back to work now.

Take care and think thin!!!


I just heard my parents talking behind my back about my eating. My mom was asking my dad how much he saw me eat and he said pretty much nothing. They said they'll try to talk to me about it later on in the day. Crap, why does shit get complicated the second i feel better. I'm gonna have to do my best to avoid this conversation today and eat an assload tomorrow. ARRRRRRGH


  1. so glad u had a good time at the party! & that u wernt the drunk girl that cant handle her booze:)
    sucks that your parents r stageing an intervention, good luck :)

  2. So glad you had fun, and don't stress about your parents. Everything will work out :) Make a point of asking for particularly bad food once in a while. Or tell your mum your craving this or that or the other thing. Illusion means making something out of nothing. Or taking nothing from something :) T.
