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Fairies and nymphs, water and sunlight, control and satisfaction, happiness and perfection.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Crazy, crazy, crazy...

Ok, I'm going to fight the urge to be a whiner and I'm actually going to be positive and optimistic for a change.
The last week has been absolutely coo-coo, loco, crazy. Not only was I painting the house, moving rooms (no more annoying roommate for me), studying and trying to make sure the world doesn't fall apart when I'm not looking (I have this complex in thinking that all plans will go to pieces if I'm not there to see them through) but one of my very good friends is visiting me. I just realized that I'm close to the oddest of people. He's over 30, married with one kid but I feel really really comfortable with him. I guess he has that "older brother" thing going with me, but then i don't feel like he's condescending in the least. Weird. Anyhow, he's also one of the few people who knows about my ED, so i need to be on my "best behavior" around him. Oooh, and I made a new observation - i eat when I'm stressed. You know, some people can't eat, well i eat. And I've been stressed all week long. But on Saturday i hit my 1st goal weight- 95 pounds. Since then I've binged and gained 1 lb, but hell I'll lose it. But just the fact that i got there is coooooool :P.
I've been maintaining this past week and it doesn't work for me. I've been purging every second day and on laxatives for 3 days in a row. But something's gotta change and I'm gonna make that happen. So without further ado here are my goals for the next week:

1. Drink 8-10 cups of water EVERY day.
2. Exercise for one hour every day.
3. Don't binge or purge for a whole week.
4. Don't eat over 500 cal all week.
5. Don't snack all week.
6. Hit 94 lbs by the end of the week.

So that's it. And from this day on I'm gonna say no to stress. It makes me miserable, cranky, fat and out of control. Ok, I've gotta get back to work though, just because I'm not stressing doesn't mean I don't have to work just as hard. Take care all!!!

PS: Sorry for not commenting more on your blogs. My comp has a virus again so go figure (man I'm unlucky).

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