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Fairies and nymphs, water and sunlight, control and satisfaction, happiness and perfection.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A succesful fast.

Ok, so i officially managed to live off two cups of cofee and tons of water today. It wasn't too easy, but i managed it. I didn't work out though, and the reason for that is a story in itself.
I was going to work out in the evening, but I was dead tired and i think i had a hunger headache. In any case, my friends decide to go out to see a movie. And i figured - hey, might as well go along. Watching movie= being away from home= being away from food and any and all binging possibilities. Well the movie happened to be the stupidest movie i have EVER seen. Totally pointless and a waste of time. Anyways, i was tempted to get pissed off that i missed my work out over something like this, but then i figured "Well, at least I'm not eating". Halfway through the movie everyone else concludes it's a stupid waste of time and then came the quiestion "Shall we stay till the end or go and get ice-cream." And after hearing the dreaded word "ice-cream" alarm bells start going off in my head. I'm still walking on very thin ice as far as my eating habits go, and if i do anything too "incriminating" people are going to start monitoring my eating again. Anyways thankfully we all decided to finish the movie. It didn't get any better. So afterward everyone's all pissed off and decide to console themselves by getting a Mc Donalds milk shake. All i was thinking about while they were deciding to get it was how many calories were in one, and how long I'd have to work out to burn it off. WEll the good news is i managed to fake a really bad headache (i was complaining about one before) and i got off not having anything. Then in the end someone messed up the order, so i wasn't the only one that didn't have anything, which was good because it didn't make me so singled out. Anyways, right now i'm going to take a hot bath and crash out. I would work out, but if i do people are gonna raise eyebrows, because it's so darn late. I'll just make up for it tomorrow. Stay thin and starve well all!

1 comment:

  1. omg u dodged a bullet with the milkshake there are more calories than the daily recommended amount, which is 2500 in each one!! glad u got our self out of eating with out rasing suspison :)
