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Fairies and nymphs, water and sunlight, control and satisfaction, happiness and perfection.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Short and sweet.

Ok, so this post is going to be short and sweet because I'm not on my computer, and I don't feel like being on this one for too long.
So let's see, what happened since i last posted. I had another binge, and right now I'm in the process of working that off. I actually figured out that my body can have 2 really low cal (100-300 cal) days and then it needs one higher one (500-800). So today was my higher one. I had a good work out, but my food didn't go down so well. It's good though, means by body isn't used to eating so much. I had the added benefit of having my parents there, and they were all pleased that i had some pizza with them. The funny thing is that my dad kept looking over like he was expecting me to shove the pizza under the table or stuff it in my pocket (it did cross my mind though :P). Anyways i ate the damn thing, and some salad and then fruit and a biscuit later on. Oh and i also had half a cup of pudding. Not sure if I'll gain from it, cuz i had a kick ass work out, but the pizza made me sick :(. Well tomorrow I'll be out of the house most of the day (i looooove studying) and thus away from any form of food.
Something that made me happy today was a comment my neighbor made. We have this lady living next door that we've know for years, she's like an aunt to me almost. You know, the type of neighbor that you pop in to borrow sugar from and all the stuff. Anyways she asked me to help her out today. Normally i don't really talk to her, but today we had some "one on one time". Somehow we got into talking about veggies and she asked me if i was on a diet. I laughed and said that i wasn't. Whenever people ask me stuff like that i always laugh and deny it, not really sure why, it's an automatic reaction. She told me i was getting so thin i was gonna dissapear soon. Sure, she's a little plumper herself, so coming from her I'm not sure how true that is, but it still made me feel good. Anyways that was my happy thought for the day.

I'm not blogging so much cuz my comp broke down and i have to use my friends one, and im not entirely comfortable with blogging while people look over my shoulder. I'll still try to get on from time to time, and comment on all the new posts :P, but it might not be as often. Keep your fingers crossed for me girls, and hope that i can beat this binge-fast cycle, because I'm really sick of it. Think Thin!!!!


  1. keep upthe good work :) & i am sure that u did deserve the compliment from your neighbour!

  2. I know what you mean about the parents thing. My mom is always watching me at dinner expecting me to hide food in my napkin or something. Your doing great, stay strong (:

