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Fairies and nymphs, water and sunlight, control and satisfaction, happiness and perfection.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I did it!

Ok, so I'm feeling very happy with myself right now. I managed to go all through the afternoon without eating a single bite. I somehow even managed to avoid dinner. So all in all today was a 200 cal day with 2 hours of hardcore work out. Not bad, not bad at all. I can tell that tomorrow will be challenging, because I'm going to be seeing my family and taking care of my little brothers in a house full of food.Well, this is an exellent time to improve my self control. I'm very motivated right now, because im feeling fatter and fatter every day, which is completly illogical, because there is no way I've gained weight over the past few days. Still, i feel aweful, so it pushes me to work out and maintain very tight control.
Well, I hope tomorrow will be as good as today was, or even better (hey, it's good to have high hopes). I'll be doing a weigh in on Sunday or Saturday, so I'll finnaly get to see if i made any progress. I'm almost scared of it though, because I'd hate to be working so hard just to see that I haven't made any progress - or, worse yet binge before i weigh in.
I've actually had nightmares about binging, that's how terrifing it is for me. It's so weird, because I'll actually have dreams that I've been eating and then i wake up and i feel guilty just the same. Yup, apparently my eating habits are an obsession for me, since i dream about them at night. Weird stuff.

Anyhow, i just want to thank all the people out there that have commented on my posts. I'm surprised anyone even reads my ramblings, but I'm super thankful for the support. Finnaly there's a place i can share my thoughts and people don't judge me or think I'm pshycho or something. In any case, thank you all!!!!

1 comment:

  1. yay glad u resisted temptations :)

    the dreams do sound kinda screwey - maybe make sure u stay away from cheese at night ha, gives u bad dreams and all.

