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Fairies and nymphs, water and sunlight, control and satisfaction, happiness and perfection.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Just checking in.

I'm making this really short because i have a hella of a long day tomorrow. Today i stayed within my calorie limit eating only 400 cals and working out for an hour and 15 minutes (got to tired to do anymore). Walked around most of the morning with my friend, so hopefully that did me some good. I was planning on eating only 350, but I got too hungry after working out and ate a few peices of fruit and 2 tbs of cerial. Not that great, but better then the pizza and chips everyone else was eating. It's hard regaining control after not having it for a while, but it's getting easier with every day.
Ok, i g2g crash out. I have an extremly busy day tomorrow. Hope everything keeps going well. Think thin ya'll.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you eating fruit instead of the fatty foods! You are so good at passing up temptations! I wish i was you!
