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Fairies and nymphs, water and sunlight, control and satisfaction, happiness and perfection.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Nothing to report.

Today was ok. Obviously I feel like a fatty after binging, but I did pretty good.
Couldn't fast, because I had to eat this one meal ( brocoli and tofu). Anyhow, the grand total was 130 cal, and I burned 500 working out, so I'm in the safe zone. I'm liking this "one meal a day thing" more and more. For one, people are off my back about eating, so I can starve myself the rest of the day and no one will say anything about it. It's also nice because i have a better concentration and I can work out more and for longer amounts of time. So all in all I might be losing more then if i were just starving and not working out. What do you all think?

I'm a little worried about tomorrow, ok I'm very worried. There's this boxing event I'm going to, but there's gonna be a ton of food and drinks around and I really don't want to binge. I'm just not sure if my will power is strong enough. Hopefully they'll have some fruit or something i can safely munch on, or some diet coke at least.

Well I guess I'll just have to hope for the best and expect the worst. Hope you all are staying strong and starving well.

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