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Fairies and nymphs, water and sunlight, control and satisfaction, happiness and perfection.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Back on track.

Hit my lowest weight ever, my 1st goal weight -90 lbs. Don't ask how, because i have no idea.250- 270 calories today. I lost count :(. I had:
1 bowl of oatmeal - 150 cal
1 small carrot- 20 cal
1 cup cucumbers- 15
multivitamin drink- 10
2 sips of juice - 10
2 small pickles - 8
grapes (i can't remember how many)6 or 8- 24- 32

No binging and no purging so far. The only thing planned for the rest of the day is an apple and coffee and a kick ass work out. I CAN do this!


  1. Good job dear.
    I wish I could get back to ninety. Im still ninety three. Maybe more.
