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Fairies and nymphs, water and sunlight, control and satisfaction, happiness and perfection.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

I've been gone a while again.

I don't really know why i do this. I check blogger every day, but when it comes to posting i feel like i have nothing of worth to say.
I attended 2 events which i did wonderful at. A fashion show (how can you eat with live thinspiration right in front of you)and an all you can eat buffet at the Hilton. I got through that one with under 500 cal. It was kind of tough, but I think my control is much better then it used to be.
Here the big day was Christmas Eve and i managed under 300 cal that day. I didn't even feel tempted. I made this delicious Italian pasta and i didn't have a bite. I put a bit in my mouth just to see if it had any more spices, then i spit it out. Dinner - 1 bowl of beet soup and a tiny dumpling type thingy. It was awesome. And i didn't really drink either, so less cals there.
Christmas day was a bit worse. I made Christmas breakfast - pancakes, peanut butter, nutella, cookies, cheese cake and blue berry muffins. I had oatmeal, but I binged later on. I saw it coming though. Oh well, under 1000 cal for sure, not bad for the holiday. Christmas dinner was more soup, a cracker and salad. Unfortunately i had a fight with my parents over (get this) a chocolate so i went to bed early and depressed.
So far i didn't gain any weight over the holiday's - pretty amazing actually. I'm working out a bit too these days, so that's good. Went out drinking last night - diet coke and vodka for me. It was fun, more fun then I've had in a while.
Two of my very good friend might be coming over to see me for New years. I'm scarred because they know about my ED, I was with them during part of my 1st recovery. There are going to be comments on my weight loss for sure. I'm about 13 lbs lighter then when they last saw me. Ugh,means a lot of eating when they're around. Ok, i don't want to think about it right now.

Hope all you out there have a fun New Years.

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