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Fairies and nymphs, water and sunlight, control and satisfaction, happiness and perfection.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fiber overdose

So i ended up binging on fruit today. NOt too bad, considering all together it was under 600 cal, and not nearly as fattening as my usual binges. I just need to get to the point where i binge on veggies, then I'll really be in the safe zone. I discovered what my new weakness is -- dried figs. I can't stop eating them once i start, and i crave them like crazy. We have a ton of them in the house, so go figure. I just have to trash them or put them in a place where it's hard for me to get to them. Usually if my trigger food is just a little bit out of my reach, it makes it easier for me to just go without it - out of sight out of mind type of thing.
Well i stopped eating at noon and i haven't had anything since then. Unfortunatly i didn't work out either, because the fruit overload made me sick. It really cleanses out your system, that's for sure, almost like a laxitive. Oh well, i've had worse days.

Anyhow, thats my daily update. Think thin all!!!

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