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Fairies and nymphs, water and sunlight, control and satisfaction, happiness and perfection.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I have a blog (gasp!!!)

Ok, so this is one of the things I swore to myself I would never do. I'm always the one propagating that blogs are a waste of time, and that my life isn't interesting enough to write about to begin with. And even though I still think that, I've decided to give it a try.
This is more of an on-line journal then anything else, a way to express myself and give me the needed motivation when things get rough. But before I get into anything else, here’s some basic information about me :D.
I’m Ana, and I’ve been on extreme diets for for a few years, and I've been Ana for about 4 months. I’m 158 cm tall and currently I weigh about 48 kg (yes, I know my progress is disgustingly slow ). My goal is to be down by at least 10 kg by the end of next month, and I’ll have to see from there. Generally, I like to think of myself as a pretty motivated person, but right now the situation I’m in calls for extreme measures. I’m hoping that this blog will somehow help me to gain the extra will power I need to reach my goals. So if you’re reading this wondering why I’m even writing all this useless information, in the end I’m actually doing this for myself, kind of a self motivational project. In a sense I'm also reaching out and hoping that there's someone out there who understand what I'm going through and can relate.
Without any further ado, here's some thinspiration for your veiwing pleasure:

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