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Fairies and nymphs, water and sunlight, control and satisfaction, happiness and perfection.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

New Years was a blur of mixed emotions. My best friends came over for the party. I had fasted all day and was flying high. All it took was half a cup of vodka and i was happy. Big mistake! Planned to eat only a cup of pop-corn, ate a WHOLE lot more. Spent the new years count down over the toilet - crying because the fucking bread wouldn't come up. Someone came up to check on me, I let her see me cry. She knew i purged, but thought it was just the alcohol. I just wish i hadn't gotten all suicidal on her. The rest of the evening was ok. Stayed up watching people dance.
Today i got up, weighed in only 1/2 a lb heavier. A miracle consider what i ate. Spent the whole day doing as little as possible - it's new years after all. I hardly ate anything till this afternoon, then i binged and purged. I was so depressed most of the morning. I don't know why.
Well i feel a bit better now. Hope you guys have a great New Years.

PS - Weighed in at 85 lbs today - amazing no?

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