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Fairies and nymphs, water and sunlight, control and satisfaction, happiness and perfection.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Good bye, for real this time.

So I finally did it. I'm going into recovery - for real this time.
I have an appointment with a psychiatrist tomorrow. His opinion determines weather i go to a hospital or not. I refuse to go - I'm still too fat for that.

I ate breakfast with my family this morning - only 130 cal but i feel like a fat fat fat little piglet. I've been fighting the urge to purge for all morning. I feel dizy, bloated, tired, sick and FULL. It's the most disgusting feeling in the world. I hate purging too, but right now I CRAVE that feeling. I need to be empty, to be dizzy, tired, light headed and to LOSE WEIGHT.

How am i going to recover, i don't know. I'm so depressed right now, because all i see is a dead end in front of me. If I don't eat at home, I'm going to a hospital. I might go to one either way, but being defiant will make it final. So I can't fight this. I want to give in, i want to commit and get better. But how? I don't even know where to start. Right now i just want to curl up and sleep or purge until every God-damned calorie has dissapeared from my body. But if this is how I'm acting after 130 cal, how the hell will i eat the 250 cal meal they put in front of me at lunch. I don't know, I'm so so so scarred.

But deep inside my heart i know i want to get better. I don't want to keep living the way i do, just surviving and hoping that it gets better. I know it's only getting worse, i know this is killing me. So I will try. I will fight this. I will fight because I love my family and because I'm hurting them. I will fight because my friends believe in me and are there for me. And I will fight because I deserve to be happy and Ana is just not cutting it for me anymore. Today is the last day of Ana, tomorrow will be the beginning of a new and better life. Yes, the thought is terrifying, yes i will miss the control my ED gave me. I have no idea how I'm going to deal with all this. But I will. I will because i have to, because there are people who love and believe in me in the world and who want to help me. I will because i will not let my younger sister watch me die of an eating disorder before she finds out what one is. I CAN do this.

To all of you out there - I respect your choice. We all make choices and need to deal with the consequences. This is my choice, you make yours. Just don't be blind, stupid and naive like i was. Never think "it'll never happen to me" because it just might. I wish you all happiness - whatever that means for you.

Take care!

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