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Fairies and nymphs, water and sunlight, control and satisfaction, happiness and perfection.

Monday, July 20, 2009

The sun is shining again.

I don't feel like writing a long post, just thought i'd share my joy with everyone. I'm going to France with some friends, which is the most awesome thing that happened in the world to me. I'm trying to lose some weight before the trip, and so far I've lost 2 lbs. Not much, but it's a start. I just need to keep it kind of low-key, because apparently 2 people i live with know about my problem, but i can find some loopholes around them, as long as i'm careful.
I'm a little bit worried about my trip to France because my friend that knows about my problem told me point blank that i would have to eat with them , or he wasn't going to take me because as he put it "it's painfull watching someone commit slow suicide". He said i can eat as little portions as i want, but i have to eat. The problem with him is that he believes that 60% of your diet should be starch. When i heard that i was like "Okkkkkkkkkkay". They'd better not make me eat like that, it's just insanity. The one good thing is, is that he likes skinny girls, so he's not going to be pushing me to eat more. i just need to find a balance so i can maintain my weight without gaining, or freaking him out. Unfortunaly he's also very close to my parents, so if i do anything to drastic he'll let them know. Argggh.

But anyways I'm going to France and I'm losing weight and it's gonna be fun.

I'll keep you all updated on my weight loss.

Think thin all!

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